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Showing posts from January, 2018

Seven Things You Should Have Learned in Your 20's

I believe this post needs no introduction. The title says it all. Just read up! RESILIENCE Source: UNSPLASH Honesty - When you're late to an appointment, it's tempting to pin the blame on gridlock or train delays. Instead, just apologize. You don't have to give details. 'I planned poorly' is a hundred times better than risking your integrity by inanely blaming traffic." Starting an interesting conversation - "Conversation-making is probably the most underrated skill," says Deepak Mehta, who admits that he's a shy person who's always found it difficult. But experience has taught him that if you dare to strike up a discussion with the person next to you, you might very well end up with a new friend, a business connection, or some novel insights on an old topic. Effective Communication - No matter your career field, you can always improve the way you speak and write. "Think about ways to challenge yourself and tweak how you writ

New Things to Learn in 2018

Successful people make the commitment to dedicate their spare time in the pursuit of learning (instead of vegging out in front of the television.) And they stick to their promise of learning. With that in mind, there are countless things you can learn in your spare time. This list puts a number to that list and shares with you 101 valuable things to learn that will improve your life. Both personally and professionally. Speed Reading - How much more work could you accomplish if you were able to complete all of your required reading in one-third of the time? Or even half the time? Speed reading is basically learning to understand the fundamental principles of the human visual system, allowing you to eliminate inefficiencies in your reading and increase the speed at which you read while also improving your retention. Drawing - Drawing is actually a basic skill that we were all born with. While we have to be taught to read and write, people are actually born with the natural abil