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Showing posts from August, 2014

How to Train Your Mind to Stay Focused

Due to the advancements in technology, focus or focusing on something is now difficult to achieve. Most of us already have short attention span and lack the patience to carry out a task patiently. Whether you are an employee or a student, gaining focus on what you do is very important. The quality of your work or output will definitely decline if you're unable to put your whole attention to it. Read the following tips and see which of them will work best for you to achieve focus. Know when you focus best - Some people focus more in the morning; some focus more in the evening. Observe the time and number of hours when are most focused. Allocate these hours for the completion of your most difficult tasks. Quit multi-tasking - Multi-tasking is the trend in this busy world but it is not the best option you can take to complete a lot of tasks with quality output. Do one task after the other without giving in to any form of distraction. Do you watch TV while working on a research