Got student loans? You don't have to wait until graduation to pay them off. You can start cutting down your debt by earning from a part time job. Here are some jobs you can do while finishing your college degree. Non-profit charity fundraiser - Are you interested in supporting a nonprofit and its affiliated fundraising activities? If yes, this is great job for you. Social media assistant - This is perfect for students who are good at managing social media accounts. If you apply for a position like this, be ready for some content marketing as well.. Academic tutor - Identify what class or subject you excel in. Then, sell yourself as an academic tutor. You can teach a classmate or students in lower levels for an hourly pay. Babysitter - Reserve your days off from school for babysitting appointments. You will surprised about the amount of money couples would be willing to pay just to spend some time together. Writer - Your excellent writing and editing skills can get ...